You might have seen images of marine animals hopelessly ensnared in the plastic rings (Six-packs Rings). The images are just haunting us. But, Florida based Saltwater Brewery has been working on new edible six-pack rings that are friendlier for marine animals. Even more, to save the lives. The Delray Beach team up with ad agency […]
Are you one of those divers who has great control of your position? Or are you one of most divers who still struggle to steady yourself? Just admit it and do not hesitate to take a look on a few tips on to improve your buoyancy control. The easiest ways to feel more comfortable with […]
Inexperienced underwater photographers tend to believe that the more expensive their equipment is the better the pictures. That is not necessarily true, and we will take a look at the compact camera and how to use them in order to get professional-looking pictures from your dives. First of all when you get your compact camera, make […]
If you ever wondered about muck diving, we will now provide a short appetizer explaining why, where and how to muck dive. As a diver you probably know that you still have a lot to explore, there are thousands of dive sites still to dive and you are not sure where to go next. Not […]