jellyfish stranded bali
The underwater world is beautiful and that is why so many of us are hooked on diving. But the underwater world is also the habitat for many dangerous marine lives and one of them is this famous jellyfish lookalike, Man of War.  Lucky for us divers this fascinating creature is normally flooding with the currents […]
scuba diving training
We all know the depth limit for open water divers is 60 feet. And going beyond increased the risk of getting hit by Nitrogen Narcosis. Identifying nitrogen narcosis is an important skill as you go deeper into your diving learning journey and your dive. Here is some information to get you started. Nitrogen Narcosis: What […]
preparing for scuba diving
It is a big step for any scuba diver when he/she finally decides that it is time to purchase their own scuba diving gear and they don’t usually come cheap. Rushing to buy them after your open water course is not a smart thing to do. Scuba diving relies heavily on the gears and it is […]
diver school of fish
When you are a beginner, you can find the instructions on underwater navigation a bit challenging but also pointless since you will have a guide with you.  However, with time, you will begin to appreciate these lessons.  Here is some guidance on how to use natural navigation when on a dive. Navigating the Deep Blue […]