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Underwater Navigation Made Easy

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Underwater Navigation

When you are a beginner, you can find the instructions on underwater navigation a bit challenging but also pointless since you will have a guide with you.  However, with time, you will begin to appreciate these lessons.  Here is some guidance on how to use natural navigation when on a dive.

Navigating the Deep Blue Sea

There are two ways to go about it:

  1. Using a compass
  2. Using natural land marks – You can use the various natural clues to find your way around underwater.

Plan the Dive

If you are going to be successful with your dive, you need to start by planning ahead of the dive.  The place to begin is by listening carefully to your diving brief.  It may also be a great idea to carry out research and look at dive site maps which go a long way in offering guidance.

It is advisable to use your dive slate to sketch a simple map of what to expect.  Make sure to note any significant features such as sandy patches, archways or reef walls.  You must also agree with your diving buddy on how you will navigate the sea.

Other considerations include depth of the said features, finding out more regarding the ocean currents and the like.

Dive According to Plan

If you will be going back to your entry point, be sure to look around you once you descend into the water the first time.  Take note of permanent features such as unique coral formation or a boulder shaped oddly. Once you have done that, follow the plan you already had. It is good for you to look back whenever you pass markers so that you can memorize how they look from the other side.  It will make it easy to recognize on your way back.

Follow natural markers such as wrecks, slopes and walls as you swim to make it easy for you. If you find yourself diving in waters that are getting deeper and deeper, you can be sure that you are getting out to sea.  By following an upward slope, you will make your way back to shore. If the waters are shallow, you can also look at how the sun is positioned or the shadows that it is casting to gain a sense of direction.

In order to successfully use natural navigation, you simply need to become more aware of your surroundings.  Initially, you will need to practice but with time it will become second nature. No one said it was easy, but the more you dive, it will get better. Diving with our team!

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