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Longest living Sea Creatures

tube worm

Have you ever wondered about which sea animals can live the longest? Here are some sea animals that you may have never heard of:

Sea Animals - Turritopsis Nutricula
Turritopsis Nutricula Pic credit: boredpanda
  • Turritopsis Nutricula – This hydrozoan has a very long span of life. It is believed to be even immortal. It develops from the larva stage to become a polyp and then it matures sexually and reproduces. Once it has done that, it develops backwards to become a juvenile before starting the process all over again. Its reproduction is asexual as it generates polyps.
  • Antarctic Sponges – Anoxycalyx (Scolymastra) joubini, the volcanic sponge, is said to live for a minimum of 15,000 years. This sponge species lives in Antarctica and its growth is very slow. Another sponge that is said to live long is the Cinachyra Antarctica – the Epibenthic sponge. This one is believed to live for more than 1,500 years.
  • Ocean Quahog – Arctica Islandica is the scientific name of these bivalves that are used in making clam chowder among other ingredients. They live in the Northern Parts of the Atlantic Ocean. They are said to live as many as 507 years.
  • Bowhead Whale – These whales live in the Arctic and are said to live 211 years or thereabouts. It is said to be the longest living mammal; the longest living whale. They have been found to be resistant to many diseases including cancer. Scientists are trying to find out how they can live this long in order to extend human life.
  • Rockfish – These fish live in deep, cold water and can grow to about 36 inches depending on their species. The rougheye is said to live to around 140 years, the shortaker to around 120 years and the yelloweye to around 114 years of age. The oldest rockfish caught was estimated at 200 years old. It was 41 inches long and weighed 39 pounds.
  • Red Sea Urchin – This one is also said to live for 200 years or so. These are a fish species and can be found in the Pacific Ocean. They do not show any aging signs and only grow larger as they age. They produce for their entire lives even though the chances of their larvae’s survival are small.
  • Bobit Tubeworms – These giant worms are able to grow to nine feet long. They grow over a long period of time and they tend to live where there are hydrothermal vents. Scientists have found them to grow to between one hundred and seventy to two hundred and fifty years. When you dive with us in Bali, get our spotters to show it to you. They are in abundance in the Bali waters.

If you want to dive in Bali, the Bobit Tubeworms are here aplenty for you to spot. No dive in Bali is a boring dive,  Contact us Now!!

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