Alien Like Sea Animals
As science discovers creation, more and more alien like sea animals are being found. Here are just a few that will leave your mouth agape:
Alien Like Sea Animals:

- Atolla Jellyfish – These can be found in every ocean and live at about 700 meters below sea level. They are bioluminescent and use these lights to escape not to capture prey. When captured, they will let out many bright pulses attracting big fish that will grab its attacker.
- Antarctic Ice Fish – These are found in Antarctica, about a kilometer deep where temperatures are well below 0°C. They are colorless and their blood contains an antifreeze protein and lacks hemoglobin, making it transparent. No other animal has that characteristic.
- Emperor Shrimp – These are very colorful and live on the back of hexabranchus marginatus, a nudibranch that takes in toxins from the food it eats and therefore has few predators. Nothing can attack the emperor shrimp while it’s on there. Perhaps that is why it can afford to be so brightly colored.
- Blue Dragon Sea Slug – This slug eats the biggest and most dangerous creatures out there such as a Portuguese man O’ war. When they eat its tentacles, they absorb the many cnidocyte cells that sting, store them in their own bodies and use them when attacked. They also tend to swallow a bubble of air and float on the surface of the ocean.
- Felimare Picta – This is a species of nudibranch or sea slug. They do not have shells to protect themselves with, so they end up using weird tricks such as sweating acid for their protection.
- Gorgonian Wrapper – This is a sea anemone with tentacles lined with cnidocyte cells. When a fish rubs or simply brushes against it, the cell explodes and sends paralyzing harpoons into the poor fish. This entire process takes about 700 nanoseconds.
- Wonderpus – this one is found off the Philippine coast. They are very intelligent and have been known to build walls to hide behind. They camouflage well on the sea bed but once threatened will turn amazing shades of orange and red.
- Lionfish – These are Indian and Southern Pacific Ocean natives. They were introduced to the North American East Coast and are reproducing rapidly with no known predators. When there is no food, they eat other lionfish.
- Giant siphonophore – this is a colony make up of many zooids that can grow to over 40 meters long. The various zooid colonies have specialized purposes e.g. eating, digesting, defending and the like.
- Bobbit Worm – This one can be as long as 3 meters and burrows itself in the sea bed from where it catches fish.
These sea animals are unique and beautiful, if you are in Bali you can see some of this like sea slug. So, what are you waiting for! Let’s diving with Abyss Ocean World, contact us now