tube worm
Have you ever wondered about which sea animals can live the longest? Here are some sea animals that you may have never heard of: Turritopsis Nutricula – This hydrozoan has a very long span of life. It is believed to be even immortal. It develops from the larva stage to become a polyp and then it […]
sea animals
As science discovers creation, more and more alien like sea animals are being found. Here are just a few that will leave your mouth agape: Alien Like Sea Animals: Atolla Jellyfish – These can be found in every ocean and live at about 700 meters below sea level. They are bioluminescent and use these lights to escape […]
marine life
When earth is seen from space it looks blue. That is why it has been called ‘the blue planet.’ 70% of it is water and of that, 96% is salt water in the form of the oceans. Those who study the oceans have found that there are different kinds of environment or habitats where animals […]
nudibranchs ocean
Colorful nudibranchs can be found in every ocean the world over. They are enchanting to both scientists and divers. Here are some fascinating fats about these sea slugs: What they are – They are mollusks in the phylum Mollusca under the class Gastropoda. This means that they are in the same class as sea hairs, […]