White and grey scuba diving fins on a white sand beach with the waves in the background
One of the vital investments you will make when it comes to scuba diving fins. Due to the fact that options are in plenty, your personal preference is the main determinant for the ones you will buy. You also need to consider the following: Your style of swimming Economy of effort or power Boat or […]
One piece of equipment that is very important for any diver to have is a dive computer. It ensures that you remain safe, without having to work with dive tables to make your calculations. In order to get one that is well suited to your needs, do some research prior to making your purchase. Here […]
One of the keys to having an enjoyable and safe dive is staying warm once you go under. You need to have a thermal protection suit in order to achieve this and there are two choices – a drysuit or a wetsuit. In addition to the temperature of the water, there are other considerations to […]
Enriched air is commonly referred to as Nitrox. It is breathing gas that has more oxygen in it by percentage, than is commonly found in regular atmospheric air. The name Nitrox is derived from Nitrogen and Oxygen, but the proper term is actually Enriched Air Nitrox or EANx. Like with everything else, there are advantages […]
DCS or Decompression Sickness occurs when the pressure changes are rapid enough to turn atmospheric gases into bubbles. Usually, this is seen with Nitrogen. Whenever one descends into the water, he or she breathes in nitrogen which then dissolves into the blood as well as tissues. As he or she continues to descend, the nitrogen […]