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You need these DSLR camera settings

If you are new shooter with your new camera, it’s time to realize that DSLR camera have so many settings, menu items for customization and features which are not easy to navigate around. Sometimes one simple change in the settings can solve all the problems of your underwater shooting. So now we provide you with our best tips and tricks to get started on the right track.

DSLR Camera

Switch Off AF Illuminator: There is no need for lightning up the inside of your housing with the inborn focus light.

AF Drive: It is much easier to lock focus on a single point if you use single AF rather than continuous.

Swtich AF to AF-ON only: With AF-ON enabled, the lens will be in manual focus mode, until the AF-ON button is pressed, this will activate your autofocus. So if you reassign autofocus controls from a half-press of the shutter release to the AF-ON button allowing the shutter button to act solely as a shutter release.

Centered Focus: When shooting moving objects and the action starts kicking in, you don’t have time to move focus point around, and since the center focus point is the strongest focus point in the camera,  you will have to lock it. Meaning that you can focus on the nearest point of your object and then lock the focus and recompose your shut.

DSLR Camera

Taking pictures underwater are tricky, as the objects will less likely stand still and the super dark background confuses your camera. With the right tricks, your DSLR camera will shoot the image in no time no matter how dark and confusing your objects are. There are a lot of other tips an tricks to shoot underwater that we are going to reveal, make sure you keep your eyes on our blog updates. When you have mastered the skills, make sure that you try it out here in Indonesia. Our dive sites are scattered all over Indonesia, and won’t disappoint you and your camera. Make sure to check it out here.

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