Motion sickness or seasickness when scuba diving, as it is commonly referred to, occurs to people when they are overwhelmed or when they are over processing things in their surroundings. The mind and body begin to get mixed signals that make you sick. The messages that reach the body, ears and eyes become contradictory. The […]
safe diving
There are those who would say that scuba diving as a sport is dangerous. This is not true. Diving accidents happen a lot less than most people think, the problem being that the media sensationalizes them quite a bit. To keep the risk of injury and accident at a minimum, you need to know how […]
Diving Wearing Contact Lenses
If you use glasses or contact lenses and are interested in diving, when you are diving wearing contact lenses you may wonder if your dream is even a possibility. Lucky for you, it is! If you are visually impaired and have to use contact lenses or glasses, you can still dive, so contact lens users […]
breathing techniques
Scuba diving or free diving is one of the most thrilling, enjoyable activities one could indulge in. However, not anyone can just jump into these activities without prior training. Scuba divers need to be trained in swimming and handling extreme underwater pressure, amongst other things. Free divers should be more athletic and be capable of […]