written by Janice Nigro I am not going to kid you. My first underwater photographs were terrible. But I showed them to everyone. I even somehow convinced an underwater photographer to use one of my photographs in a piece he wrote for a diving magazine. Never mind that the piece was about post-photo editing. But […]
written by Janice Nigro A diver doesn’t usually choose the next dive destination by making a random pick out of a hat. The idea percolates. The planning might start subconsciously long before a diver decides to go, through casual conversation over dinner and in between dives on the current dive trip. Divers want to know what kind […]
Exploring Pulau Alor Recently we had the chance to have a little getaway from Bali. Yes, even though we live on a paradise island, we like to escape once in a while to explore other islands of the archipelago. This time we have set foot on Pulau Alor which is one of the most eastern […]